
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Story Beginning

     This may or may not end up being the beginning to my novel.

     You know, at the time, I thought it was crazy. There certainly wasn't any history associated with angels, just like there wasn't magic and prancing unicorns. No sir. Honestly, I thought my brother had lost his once very capable brains when he said they were “real”. 
     We were on a video call with my older, and only, brother Alec. He goes to college in California so we hadn't seen him for months, and he decided to tell us about his new obsession with angels of all things. I thought it was absolutely ridiculous until my parents went pale and exchanged a meaningful glance. Then, I felt a little left out. 
      Needless to say,  I don't feel left out in the slightest anymore. You know, I might even feel a little bit left in. But, maybe you feel like I did that first day. Maybe you think this is ridiculous, but let me assure you, it's anything but. 

~ E.K.M. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Avery Bekker and Katie Allen

She dog eared her book then pushed the darn thing away from her, knitting her eyebrows together. Maybe there was some sort of code throughout the book, or maybe there was pattern, because there had to be some logic to... Katie's thoughts became a jumbled mess as the image of the evening sky literally took her breath away. It was brilliant. Pink, orange, red, purple, and yellow blanketed the sky turning the air to a shimmering gold.

Katie watched, enraptured, as a flock of geese flew across the sky and landed in the lake, causing sunlight to ripple across the surface. Katie smiled, all thoughts of previous frustration happily forgotten. She turned to Avery, hoping he had seen the display as well. He returned the look, then glanced back at the sky, then back at her. Katie's eyebrows rose with a silent question.

Avery stared at her with deep thought etched in his face. "Katie,” He began. “When was the last time you danced?"

That was all? 

"Take a guess, Genius. I haven't danced since I came here."
“Woah woah woah, wait a minute, let me get this straight... It's your favorite thing in the world, and yet you haven't danced ballroom for three months?!" Avery said, his hands flying up in exasperation.
Katie bit back a smile. "Avery, for heaven's sake. When someone's saving the world, there is no time for dancing."
Avery shook his head. “You crazy girl.” He mumbled, then with determination in every step he walked over to her, and bowed.  
"You should always make time for what you love, Katherine Allen. May I have this dance?"
Katie drew in a breath to decline, but let it out in a small puff. Those puppy dog eyes were pretty hard to resist. Sighing in defeat she slowly placed her hand in his. Before she had time to react he had her up on her feet then spinning down into a dip. Katie's shocked laughter rang through the air.
“We’re pretending that there is really dramatic music right here.” Avery whispered, then pulled her out of the dip and set her, stumbling, on her feet.
Katie shook her head while her grin grew ever wider. Avery Bekker, she thought, you are one fantastic guy. Amused, she watched as he tried to figure out where to place his hand.
"Avery, you're a terrible dancer." Katie told him, readjusting their hands to the proper ballroom hold.
"Yeah, well you're a bad liar." Avery's one sided grin challenged, squeezing her hand. His eyes sparkled with laughter and Katie had to admit, it was adorable.
"So, what were you sighing about?" Avery asked after a pause, leading her into a slow waltz with the sunset setting everything on fire.
He had to bring that up right now, didn't he. "Oh... Just trying to figure things out."
"Things like...?"
Katie shook her head. "Okay. Heir of the angels. What is that supposed to mean? What do I have to do with it? And, that book over there is supposed to help me, but all it does is make me more confused. It just... it doesn’t make sense and it's really frustrating me."
"Mmhm, and how's the gift going?"
Katie's jaw set and she realized she was squeezing Avery's hand a little too hard. She swiftly slackened her grip and cleared her throat.
"Hardly any better. I'm getting there, but I still don't understand what the heck I'm supposed to do."
Well, I think you’re doing a fantastic job at whatever it is you’re doing.”

Peace out! :D

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Writing Prompts

Just 3 random writing prompts I did.

     "Yes... Yes sir." Colten's lip trembled and he quickly swallowed, forcing down the pain flaring from every cut and bruise on his body. It was not manly to cry. It would be weakness, to cry. 
     "Boy. Look me in the eye." Colten blinked furiously and forced his gaze to his fathers. 
     "Never, again. Now go." A tear traced down Colten's cheek washing away some of the blood and grime. He spun as quickly as his aching head would allow, then stumbled out the door with an unearthly ache in his heart.

(The stupid picture wouldn't load for this one... grrrrr...)


     The tiniest of smiles tugged at Kenna's mouth. "He did always have the answer to everything, didn't he."  
     "He sure thought he did." Diana dared to smile, but it quickly vanished when she glanced over at Kenna. Tears were still flowing freely down her friends face and her lip was trembling as she remembered a man that had once lived. Diana quickly and gently reached over and grasped Kenna's hands. 
     "Kenna, dear, he would want you to live, to have a happy life. He would... He would say he knows you're hurting, and he knows what you're going through, but he would also say that the answer to his absence is to keep going. You have to know he loved you, and that there was a reason he saved you. You can't blame yourself for this. He would want you to keep trying, to keep going..." 


     "You know where to find me, if, you know, you ever get lonely or something."
Emmie laughed. "Yeah! of course. But, I think I'll manage." She winked, and I was graced with one more enthusiastic smile and a quick hug before she turned and flat out ran away from me. I stared at her back retreating into the sunset and let myself see, for the first time, that I knew she was beautiful. I allowed my heart to tell me that yes, I did love her, and yes, there she was, running away from me, and here I was being an idiot doing absolutely nothing about it.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Beginning's To A Journey

Alright! So, here are my two beginnings, (aka beginning's to my short story journey). I personally like the first one better, but what do you think?

It's Just Who We Are by Emma Miller

1. Being moody was Liel Night’s favorite past time. In fact, it was his only past time, because that’s just who he was. He was moody, and moody was him. That was the way of things. Sometimes he was the kind of night that everyone thought was beautiful and sparkly and warm. Other’s, he was downright unapproachable.
On this Tuesday eve, he had created a soft night, a night that made all who looked on it smile. Liel grinned and leaned against the nearest lamppost. He loved how Moon’s light filtered through Sky and touched his beautiful masterpiece that the mortals called night. He loved how somewhere, no matter what, there was always darkness. Liel tugged at his earring and watched shadows move across the street, as crickets chirped in the distance.
A noise, maybe laughing, scattered his thoughts and he was brought back to the task at hand with a not too pleasant thump.
"Ah, fudge." He muttered.  Where was Moon? Liel searched the sky and found that she was at the end of her cycle around Earth, which could only mean one thing. Day was coming, and he was late.
Night straightened his hoodie and walked briskly northward. To be late to this brief meeting would change the balance of the world. Which would upset quite a few people. Especially Universe. Liel really didn’t want to do that.
The laughing got louder and his stoic facade strengthened. Soon he could see her skipping toward him, grinning at some children she was leaving. Her hair radiated with flowers and flew out behind her while she ran, somersaulted, and cartwheeled.
Night observed her quietly, attempting to run his hand through his overly stiff hair. It must have been one of her sunny days. Liel was glad. He didn’t like it when Day was dark, gloomy, and cloudy. Sometimes, he mused, she could be just about as moody as he was.
“Goodnight, Day.” He said, as he had done since the time he’d been created and placed on Earth.
She stopped cartwheeling and clumsily stumbled to her feet. “Good morning, Night.” She bowed to him dramatically, then skipped off, smiling. Night nodded with a reserved expression and continued on his way. This was natural, this was normal. This was the order of things. But, for some reason, today was different. Today some part of him protested her leaving, and he was forced to look back on her golden hair. Today he noticed that Day was very beautiful in her flowing green dress, with her smile and laughter penetrating the air. He noticed how blue her eyes were, and how lovely a figure she had. He saw that she was happy, and he wanted to be a part of that happiness. Today, his heart skipped a beat when she left, which was not normal, not at all.
Liel shook himself. Could he be... was he... Falling in love? No. Universe had explicitly told him that he couldn’t fall in love. But then what could it be?

2. Zarah Day was at the peak of her happiness when the setting of Sun rudely interrupted her bliss.
“Oh! Good heavens,” She humphed, “Time has gotten away from me again. Goodbye my beauty’s!” She ruffled one of little boys’ hair then cartwheeled off, wishing she could stay with the children and play. One of the smaller girls tried a cartwheel only to land on her face. Zarah couldn’t help laughing.
“Careful Diane!” She called behind her. The children all waved at her and Zarah’s smile brightened. She wished she could just stay with them forever, but, no. Those thoughts were dangerous. This is how it had to be. This was the way of things. It was just who she was.
“Goodnight, Day.” Zarah stumbled out of her cartwheel and looked up to find Night standing there, stoic, reserved, and quietly intriguing as always. She bowed dramatically, hoping maybe to catch his attention.
“Good morning, Night.” She grinned at him then skipped off in the opposite direction, chiding herself for wanting his attention. That couldn’t happen! She couldn’t fall in love... but despite her best efforts, she found herself turning and watching Night’s retreating back, his strong arms, and perfect black hair. He was tugging his earring. Oh, she loved it when he did that...

Thus, it ends. :)


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

From Two Perspectives

Finally! I have finished the "From Two Perspectives" assignment, and even though I've only edited it a few times, here it is in all of it's rough draft glory!

Ruby's perspective:

One of the Shadows jumped on Kellan, yanking him backwards and pulling him to the ground with a sickening thud. Ruby let out a small squeak, but was unable to do more than watch.
As her eyes darted frantically between Kellan and Elliana, she realized why the Shadow was trying to push Kellan on his back. If the Shadow succeeded, Kellan's neck would be exposed to it's vicious fangs, providing a quick and easy kill. Ruby's eyes widened.
"Ellie! Help him!" She yelled, as loud as she dared, keeping her eyes fixed on the Shadow just in case she needed to run. When it didn't react and continued nuzzling Kellan, she tore her eyes away only to be filled with more dread. Elliana was engaged in combat with three other Shadows. Ruby herself would have to do something.
She glanced back at Kellan, and nearly passed out. He was finally face up now, and his face didn't look good. He looked dead, and even if he wasn't yet, the Shadow loomed over him ready for the kill.
Without acknowledging what she was doing, Ruby closed her eyes, stood, and screamed as loud as she could. Maybe, just maybe she could draw the Shadow's attention away before it killed him. Ruby slowly opened her eyes and brought her hands up in front of herself defensively. Every head was turned in her direction, every eye on her. Ruby's stomach lurched and terror seized her. She felt a tear trace down her cheek and she began shaking uncontrollably. Through her tears she sought Elliana’s reaffirming and familiar shape.
     "H-help." She pleaded as her lip trembled.

Elliana's perspective:

The Shadow lunged at her with fangs bared and Elliana hastily moved out of the way, narrowly avoiding it’s razor sharp teeth. She scrambled backwards as Aisling, her sword, appeared in her hand.
“Kellan!” She called, “Back to back, always. Get over here.” She stabbed a Shadow in it’s gut and it melted into a puddle of darkness.
“A little busy.” Kellan grunted, pushing one off his blade like it was almost nothing, and slicing another. It was super convenient that she had a battle genius for a brother.
Elliana backed up to a tree so that she was protected, then she went full fledged Warrior mode. Fighting Shadow’s came so easily to her now, that it was like a routine, a dance routine, maybe. Something that you practiced so often, that there was no possible way you could forget it. She dodged, sliced, and defended with a natural ease and grace. Benefits of living in the dream world, she thought.
Interrupting her thoughts she heard Ruby scream, “Ellie! Help him!” Elliana risked a glance and what she saw brought a wave of nausea. Kellan was on the ground, face first, his back was bleeding, and a Shadow was trying to prod him over to get to his neck. Oh, Etheral. She thought. Not him too.
Ellie desperately tried to get to him but her moment of indecision had slowed her down, diverted her attention and now she was hopelessly too far away as the only family she had left was about to die. She felt tears sting her eyes and pain build up in her chest.
Then the loudest, most desperate scream Elliana had ever heard in her life, pierced the sky. Echoing in and out of the hollow chasms of rock. Everything stopped, everyone stopped and stared, at none other than cowardly, timid, Ruby.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Photoshoots of Randomness

So.... I did a photo shoot with a rose, a glass of water, and some gorgeous light... 
Oh, and a Jacob was included... 
Yeah, I'm crazy. :D 
Let's just say it's been an interesting day.


~ E.K.M.